Union Baptist Missionary And Educational Association
"Living The Dream by Educating The Future"
Rev. Dr. Otha Everett
1st Vice Moderator
Pastor Christopher CabinessSr.
2nd Vice Moderator
Rev. Dr. Stanley Kimble
General Secretary
Union Baptist Missionary And Educational Association Calendar
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Saturday, June 8th -@ 6PM Saturday – June 29th
Sunday, June 30th -@2:PM Rev. Dr. Walter L. Glover, Jr., Host Pastor
July -8th -9th - Registration @ 8:00AM - Annual Congress of Christian Education
Sunday , August 18, 2:30 PM Saturday, August 31st - 9:00 AM
Friday - September 13th - 7:00 PM
September 16th – 19th Monday, September 16th Wednesday, September18th, 11:00 AM
Wednesday, September 18th @ 7:00PM - Moderator Glover 43rd Annual Address Saturday - December 14th - @11:00 AM -Christmas Fellowship - Oak Grove MBC, Milledgeville, Rev. Colby McKenzie, Host Pastor – Speaker Rev. Christopher West
Saturday, December 28th - 10:00 AM - Laymen Meeting, Shiloh MBC
Sunday - December 29th - @ 2:00PM
Saturday -September 29th -9:00 a.m. Sunday - September 30th 2:00 p.m. Monday - October 22nd - Wednesday 24th - Laymen Revival, 7:00 p.m. Saturday - November 3rd, 10:00 a.m.
Saturday, December 29th - 10:00 a.m. Sunday, December 30th - 2:00 p.m. Save the Dates Annual Congress of Christian Education Future Adjourned Sessions2020 Center Hill MBC, Rev. Dexter A. Jordan, Host Pastor (Bibb)
Future Annual Sessions2019 153rd - Trinity MBC, Rev. Gregory Moore, Host Pastor (Ft. Valley)
26th Headquarters AnniversaryNovember 2, 2019 10:00 AM Houston Mt. Zion MBC, Rev. Daryl Moore, Host Pastor
Annual Christmas FellowshipAnnual Christmas Fellowship